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日期: 2017-03-26 整理编辑: 小六来源: 学姐











自接触语言学以来,我就对语言学产生了浓厚的兴趣,但深知自己现在的知识非常有限,希望能在今后的科研与学习过程中不断充实自己,以期在这一领域有所作为。我报考的是英语语言文学,打算进行理论语言学及应用语言学方向的研究,语言学作为一门社会科学,在国外是50年代以来发展最快变化最大的学科之一,具有巨大的发展潜能。如果我有幸进入贵校深造,我将以更加饱满的精神状态去力行校训“明德 勤学 求是 竞先”,具体些就是:

(一) 努力学习专业知识,使自己成为一个合格的专业人才;

(二) 培养自己的调查研究能力,尽量多参与一些科研项目,积累项目经验;

(三) 在节假日去外面实习或是做一些调研,积累社会工作经验;

(四) 学习各种文学知识,提高自己的文化素养。





Having various experiences of national and international institutions with mass experiences in the field of management besides other administrative experience, I would like to express my keen eagerness for getting admittance in the chevening scholarship for the academic year 2009-2010 in the field of Public Administration.

I am currently Risk manager (Market) at Centralbank of Afghanistan (Da Afghanistan Bank); I have completed my primary, secondary and high school education at Nanagarhar Afghanistan. In addition, I had honor to be officially invited to participate in different regional and international conferences in Turkey, India and Pakistan. I have gone through many short term educational and technical courses and have had the opportunity to participate in various national and international trainings.

Besides I am president of AYIG (Afghan Youth Initiative Group). This is one of new established active associations in Afghanistan, working for peace through promoting and developing leadership training, arranging workshop, meeting and conferences among youths as well as I am lecturer of Economics subjects and English at karwan Karwan Inistitue.

I had thought English and Mathematic for more then two years in Arian English language Center and had the responsibility of back person for the general manager.

I am graduated from the Kabul University with B.A in Economics, during my study I started work with New Speen Ghar construction company as project and finance assistant as well as I joint AIESEC and I got key position their such as Team leader of External Relation, Vice President of Educational Exchange and MCP or National President of AIESEC in Afghanistan positions in very short time, AIESEC aims to developed the potential of youths at leadership and culture understating, by exchange program among Young's at more then 110 countries and 850 universities campus and introduce the young’s with positive impact to communities.

As an Afghan citizen and social active, I know my country and the region well, and I am aware of my country and region’ history, politics, sociology, local culture and especially socio-economic characteristics.

Afghanistan is now on its way toward reconstruction and rehabilitation despite of many challenges. And no doubt this process and breaking of these challenges needs educated Afghans, particularly youths who are valuable asset




